Modern methods of corrosion treatment of oil pipes

As part of the cultural season of the Environmental Research Center, Asst. Lecturer Ahmed Safaa Abdel-Hassan delivered a lecture entitled "Modern methods in the treatment of corrosion of oil pipelines" on Wednesday 4/4/2019, where the lecture summarized the following:

 Corrosion is the deterioration of the properties of the material or metal as a result of a chemical or chemical reaction with its environment, which is called corrosion, not as a result of a mechanical process such as friction in machines.

Corrosion classification:

First in terms of temperature is classified into:

  • Corrosion due to high heat.
    Corrosion due to low heat.

  • Second in terms of surrounding environment, it is classified into:

1.Dry erosion: occurs as a result of a direct chemical reaction in the sense that there is no transmission of the cargo, and the corrosion products are either volatile products, the surface is film free or precipitated resulting in surface buildup. One of the benefits of this type is that it protects the surface from further corrosion.

2.Wet corrosion: According to the label, it is necessary to have liquids or moisture to cause wet erosion

Third In terms of places of erosion

 In this case, corrosion is divided into:

1. Uniform uniform corrosion occurs at the entire corrosive surface and the solution of this condition is the internal corrosion-resistant lining known as: corrosion-inhibiting substance (CIS)

Concentrated or concentrated corrosion, in this case concentrated in specific areas at the bottom of the tube. This condition requires the replacement of the sections due to the concentration of the corrosion intensity.

Methods used to combat erosion:

1- Cathodic protection to reduce and reduce corrosion in the external areas of the tube to ensure that the flow is free of moisture and a small proportion of oxygen and hydrogen and reduce the quantities of gases associated with crude oil, especially CO2.

2- Smart Pigging
 The most important steps to reduce corrosion in the pipes are the use of intelligent skimming processes, which is the most appropriate way to clean the internal surface of the pipes and disposal of unwanted plankton and also the early identification of the places of erosion. Smart skimming processes determine the eroded areas in terms of location and depth eroded and the size and size The eroded area gives us a full conception of the economic feasibility of keeping that damaged part or replacing it.

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