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Among the activities of our center ... for the cultural season in the nineteen seminar (19) Mr. Ahmed Safaa al-Taei gave a lecture entitled ((soil pollution with hydrocarbons)) on Monday, 21/5/2018 on the blue hall where his lecture summarized as follows:

Hydrocarbon in chemistry is any chemical compound consisting only of carbon and hydrogen. These compounds consist of a series of carbon and hydrogen atoms that are related to that chain. The term hydrocarbons is often used as a abbreviation for hydrocarbon aliphatic, hydrocarbons can be found in the form of propane or liquid Benzene and hexane), candles and low-melting solids (naphthalene) or polymers.

 Soil contaminants can be divided into:

Organic pollutants
     Such as aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides and petroleum products.

Inorganic pollutants
    A. Micro and toxic elements such as: (arsenic - cadmium - mercury) and others.

    B. Nitrogen.

    C. Radioisotopes.

Among the activities of our Center ... for the 17th Cultural Season (17th). Azhar Mahmoud Halim lecture entitled ((biological risk management system)) on Monday, 7/5/2018 on the blue hall and discussed the subject, The present lecture includes many statements about biorisk management system and its important, beside principles, techniques, and practices that aim to prevent the unintentional exposure to biological agents and toxins, or their accidental release, and the protection, control and accountability for biological agents and toxins within laboratories, in order to prevent their loss, theft, misuse, diversion of, unauthorized access or intentional unauthorized release.

The present lecture concentrated on the most effective factors on successes biorisk management system like, risk definition, risk assessment, biorisk policies, mitigations, inventory, PPE, emergency plans, waste management. As well as described Biorisk management system in university of technology as case study. 


Within the activities of our Center ... for the 16th Cultural Season (16) Sahar Ahmed Amin lecture entitled ((Environmental applications of radioisotopes)) on Monday, 30/4/2018 on the blue hall and discussed the subject and benefit from it, summarized the lecture as follows:


Environmental Uses of Radioisotopes

The radioisotopes along with other stable isotopes have a lot of advantages and applications regarding to environment, such as Water Resource Management, Monitoring of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation, Identification of Major Sources of Air Pollution, Determination of source of Nitrates, Carbon Dating and Uranium Dating. Radioisotopes and other isotopic tracers are used to determine the age of underground water and origin of water. Tracers used for this purpose are 3H, 18O. Gold-198, Zinc-65 and Mn-54 are used to trace Factory waste causing ocean pollution and Sand movement in river beds and on ocean floors. Artificial radioisotope Cesium-137 
is used to estimate rate of soil erosion and sedimentation.


The auspices of the Ministry of  Health and Environment  established the Center for Environmental Research and the gathering of graduates of the higher diploma in Environmental Impact Engineering The Scientific Symposium entitled "Environmental Impact Assessment Mechanisms" was held on Thursday, 19/4/2018, at the Ministry of  Health and Environment in Waziriya.Prof . Dr. Abdulhamid Mohammed Jawad  gaves a lecture titled "Strategic Environmental Assessment" explained the importance of the environmental impact and its strategic dimensions.


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